Team Blogging Mistakes Blocking Your Path to SuccessBlogging has many benefits especially when the responsibilities are distributed among different people in the company. Regardless of the kind of publication you are working on, your team members or location, team blogging enables you to showcase different expertise and perspectives, develop more content and cover many topics. When blogging as a team, you can generate many leads, nurture them, convert into customers and improve your sales.

Here Are Some Of The Challenges And How To Overcome Them:

  • Not Kowing Where to Start With Content Creation

    Some people want to write like thought leaders. This concept can deflates efforts immediately when these people look at a blank page. On the other hand, most content writers feel intimidated just by worrying about what they will write and if it will be as good as that of company executives.

    When your efforts seem worthless even before you begin writing, encourage your team members to write about what they know. Everybody in the team cannot be the same and people should show their different specialties. You could be good at design, someone else at editorial management while another at content strategy. Sit down with your team members and develop strategies that tie your topics to the overall goals and objectives of the blog. You could also create a bank of ideas where you store and insert topics that are not yet approved or topics that you would like to cover on specific dates.

  • The Problem of Guest Bloggers

    Having guest bloggers gives you the opportunity to work with thought leaders and give your blog different voices and perspectives. Some guest bloggers give overly self promotional content, sometimes not well written articles and completely irrelevant to your message.

    Do not waste time editing poorly written guest blogs. Do not also lower the standards of your content to please guest bloggers. In your blog, have a page informing potential guest bloggers on your content submission guidelines. Also, let them know that not all guest posts are accepted. You will save a lot of time and simplify the process of editing and giving explanations as to why you did not publish certain posts.

  • Bloggers Not Getting Chance to Become Better

    When most bloggers start writing, they get start excited and energized. This is a great feeling but it tends to fade with time.  After some time, bloggers may want to get the burden of developing content off their shoulders. This is especially true when blog managers ask them to work on the content continually. It is good for the blog manager to edit articles since it saves time but it’s also necessary to find a way for contributors to have an opportunity to better writing skills. Editors should go over their edits with team members, so that the writers are seeing the areas for improvement as they develop more content.

    Set a designated time; either before or after the article or content is published, to look into and discuss areas of improvement. Do not judge or demand for something from your team members. Instead, help and inform them about how things are supposed to be done.

If your blogging team has been facing the challenges above, use the suggestions to overcome the hurdles. Sometimes bloggers need just a little help with the point of view and everything will be okay. There is more which you can overcome if you give your team members opportunity to learn and grow as writers. When you overcome these challenges, team blogging becomes an easy and enjoyable task that no team member would want to give up.

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Co-Founder & COO at PageLadder, Inc.
Entrepreneur, inbound marketing professional & outdoors enthusiast who finds joy in overcoming obstacles.
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