Attendees to the ReelSEO Video Marketing Summit were given a strong introduction to the proceedings with a video from Bonfire Labs, which declared that, “Video Is Mandatory.” Here’s a look at the video, and once you’ve seen it…is video mandatory?

-video by Bonfire Labs

Is video “mandatory?” In today’s social age it’s not just the creation of video that becomes mandatory it’s recognizing the user centered preferences of the viewer. Social media has revolutionized online users so that they now feel like they should be a part of everything, want instant updates from everyone in their life, and expect alot of feedback on everything they say and do. As a result, video is no longer about just the short clip you put together but the social conversation and user engagement around the video. These types of users are the ones your online online video should target, create your video content with them in mind and you should find easy success.

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