Often times a marketing manager who understands the value that inbound marketing brings to their business, but they will be faced with the challenge of making that case to their boss and selling them on an inbound campaign. If there is a larger age gap between the marketing manager and their C-level executive, this could be especially challenging.   Let’s look at how to structure your case for inbound marketing in a way that should appeal to any boss or CEO.

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Are you one of the far too many businesses NOT creating a steady stream of leads from your website? Most likely your inability to execute an effective content marketing strategy for your website is heavily influenced by a lack of time. So how are you going to give Inbound Marketing a try when your internal structure lacks the time, resources, or technology to do it?

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turn-leads-into-raving-fans-what-to-keep-doingRunning a business can sometimes seem like a nonstop roller coaster ride – especially when it comes to convincing leads to make the jump from prospect to paying customer. Technology gives us tools we can use to make the process easier, but in a sea full of “shoulds” and “don’ts” it can be difficult to weed out the fluff and find out what’s really crucial for your business.
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5 Outdated Marketing Rules Redefined for Successful Inbound MarketingIn the long tradition of sales there are a series of established rules widely recognized as what inbound marketers should do. These rules are tried and true and should not be shrugged lightly; however, there is no rule so important that you should follow it blindly. Risks should not be taken without consideration, but innovation requires risk and affords the biggest rewards for spontaneity. This post explains why smart marketers will break these rules to salvage their creativity and to become successful.
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Showdown: Inbound Versus Outbound MarketingA big difference between inbound marketing and outbound marketing is that inbound marketing is becoming this century’s replacement for outbound marketing. In other words, proactive internet marketing is becoming the new norm while traditional marketing is starting to be viewed as too expensive compared with the internet.
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Accelerate Online Growth with Inbound MarketingInbound marketing has become the focus of modern marketing because of its intense focus on engaging with a target audience. While last century was all about the product, this century is all about the consumer. Outbound marketing presents the product to the consumer through traditional marketing channels while inbound marketing searches for the target consumer using the product as the magnet through new media. The two schools of thought within inbound marketing are active and passive modes. Balancing these modes is important as active strategies can accelerate reactions to passive content designed to attract an online community.
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6 Simple Ways to Discover Inbound MarketingMarketing is essential for any business, whether you are selling products or services. Inbound marketing does not require one to go to school to learn the technique. With the right tools and knowledge or the help of a qualified inbound marketing firm you can quickly help build a strong and growing online presence for your business.

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The Numbers Don't Lie: Inbound Marketing WorksThe internet has given rise to new marketing channels that have proven to be just as effective (if not more effective) than traditional outbound marketing. Inbound marketing works through content such as blogs, podcasts, videos, e-books, e-newsletters and whitepapers that are meant to draw consumers to products. The marketers create web-sites whose landing pages are designed to convert leads. These web-sites are optimized for search engines and consumers are attracted to the landing pages using graphics and content that is aimed at earning the attention of the consumer.
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Context Can Strengthen Your Entire Marketing FunnelWhat do you do in order to optimize your marketing funnel? Most of the things you do are usually aimed towards the reduction of breaks in the marketing chain. In the different stages of the marketing funnel, you should use context and information concerning your leads. Do away with the breaks and strengthen the effect of marketing.  You can minimize the breaks by using your data in various ways.
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