Do-You-Make-These-5-Common-Email-Marketing-MistakesDo businesses still do email marketing campaigns in the age of Facebook?  You bet!  There is no reason to ditch your email marketing campaigns for social media marketing.  According to some research, email marketing often does 7.18 percent better than social media campaigns.  However, in order to have a successful campaign, you need to avoid the five big reasons why email marking campaigns fail.

  1. Your Emails Look Like Spam

    Check and double check the subject line.  It should in no way sound like a spam email.  Avoid personal greetings, bad grammar and claims that sound too good to be true (for example: “100 percent customer satisfaction!”)  Your subject lines need to mention your company name and the reason why you are emailing.  Is it a new sale?  Limited time free offers?  A promotion to tie in with an upcoming holiday?  Make it short and to the point.  Words that promote clicks include “jobs” “secrets” and “posts.”

  2. Large Amount of Undelivered Emails

    Don’t just send out a huge amount of emails and cross your fingers.  Undelivered emails are the dreaded emails to nowhere.  You may have the best product or service in the world but if you cannot connect your emails to eyeballs then your email marketing campaign will be a huge failure.  Clean out those dead or unsubscribed emails from your active email lists before launching a big email campaign.  Look at your company website and social network pages to see that it is easy for an interested person to give you their email address or other contact information.

  3. Good Message, Bad Timing

    Make sure your emails will be read at the optimum time when your customers are online.  It’s best to send out special emails on Saturdays and Sundays when most people are relaxing from work.  Send them out so that they will be in your customer’s inboxes by 6 AM on Saturday or Sunday.

  4. Ignoring How Your Customers Prefer to Read Emails

    How do your customers surf the Internet?  Do they use full-screen devices or mobile devices?  The general trend is that more and more consumers are using small screens because of the popularity of tablets and smartphones.  Make sure your emails can be easily read on mobile devices.  Even if your customers mostly use large-screen devices, make sure your emails are only one screen long.  Too much scrolling down is too much work for your customers.  Use images more than text in order to attract their interest.

  5. Flooding Your Customer’s Inbox

    One good way to lose customers is to send them emails every business day.  Try to think of it from the customer’s point of view.  They may not be able to look at personal emails until they are off from work.  Their free time is limited.  Would you want to spend your valuable free time going through a huge backlog of sales emails?  No way!  Emailing three times or less in a ten day span is more than enough for many customers.

Email marketing still has a viable place in modern marketing campaigns.  You just have to be sure that your emails do not resemble spam, are friendly to mobile devices and are sent at the right time.

Have you found success correcting any of these email marketing mistakes? Share your comments below.

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Co-Founder & COO at PageLadder, Inc.
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