Top 5 Best Practices for Content Marketing SuccessToday it is imperative for all business forms to have an effective campaign that will drive traffic to their site and develop a larger audience. Whether you’re a B2C, B2B, non-profit, or an entrepreneur, you need to have effective ideas that will give your audience exclusive information that keeps them informed of your brand. As a means for saving money and to receive effective feedback from your promotional efforts it is best to plan out your content marketing strategy from the beginning. Below are some effective ways on how to get your marketing efforts up and running.

Be Effective When Creating Content

Whether you’re selling products, services, informing your audience, and or sharing media/news information with your audience you need to have a solid content creation plan in mind.

  1. Sneak Peeks – Consumers love the idea of being in the know before others. In order to get your target audience interested in what you’re selling, give them a sneak peek of the products you have coming to market. This can be in the form of a story, photos, videos, or whatever other content form you choose. By allowing your staff to develop interesting and passionate pieces about your products or cause you will find that your consumers are more interested in viewing it.
  2. Post Interviews – You might think that only media companies should utilize interviews as the core part of their content marketing efforts, however, just about any business can benefit from trying this method. Create mini interviews on influential people that your consumers would enjoy hearing from. This could be someone within your company, a consumer who has tried your products, or even someone who is considered an “expert” in your business field.
  3. Questions & Answers – Nothing makes for a better content marketing strategy then the idea of Q&A sessions. This should be designed specifically for your target audience and should focus on answering questions that they may have emailed or posted to your social media page. You don’t have to keep it basic. You can opt to answer questions via video or audio for a different response.
  4. History – You can’t always assume that your target audience will know exactly what you’re talking about or the nature of your products/services. Therefore, you want to make sure that you always give them information to back up your posts. This could be old posts with updated material added such as comments, or material from another reliable source as it pertains to your products/service/cause.
  5. Content Curation – This method is great for back linking and also getting yourself known as an expert in your industry. When you have posts or content that is particularly complex or in depth, you can add other resources that will further explain your post or give customers more insight on the topic. Your curation does not always have to be a bunch of links; instead you can add comments to your post to add more value to what you’re trying to say.

Bonus Tip

As a  bonus tip it is imperative that you create more than just content in the format of text. There are so many different ways that you can get your point across that you should never limit yourself to just one way. Consider downloading pics, videos, and even conducting presentations to show variety and originality.

As a successful business it will be pertinent that you constantly work on ways to reinvent the wheel so to speak. You will always need fresh, new content to keep you followers interested in what you have to say or sell.

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Robb Bailey

Co-Founder & CEO at PageLadder, Inc.
Robb enjoys growing a mean mustache every Movember and putting hot sauce on anything edible. You'll find him doing Content Marketing at his Inbound Marketing Agency in San Diego.
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