Analytics are the key to online success


You often hear business owners complaining about their company’s latest marketing results. They typically know the goals they want to achieve with their marketing strategies, but they do not understand why they are not meeting these goals. Perhaps finding a viable solution takes more than analyzing the latest data, but instead requires a more in-depth look at exactly what this data reveals.

“Those who do not understand history are doomed to repeat it” – Edmund Burke

This does not mean that analytics are not important because this valuable data is often a key in formulating a successful marketing plan. In fact, every business no matter how small should track some basic statistics, such as traffic to and from your website, basic demographics on visitors, what type of platform increases traffic to your site, visitors’ behaviors while at your site, and what specific content grabs the visitors’ attention. This basic data can help you determine what marketing strategies are working and which ones are not. It is also not a bad idea for businesses to track other specific information like what time the most visitors are on your site and what type of browsers most customers use.

Unfortunately, many business owners and brand stop at this point and only look at the marketing results as a whole. However, to implement a successful marketing plan, you must take a more in-depth look at these results and gain some insight into what it means. Below is a list of three questions to ask yourself to help you gain insight from your analytics.

1. What Browsers Do Your Customers Use?

It is important that you determine what browsers the majority of your customers are using. Are they using the standard desktop computer or are most of your customers mobile users. If you determine that most of your customers are mobile users, then you know you need to focus on mobile marketing. You must ask yourself if you have a mobile app and does it run efficiently? If your customers are more likely to use their desktop computer then you should focus on online marketing.

2. Where are Your Customers Socially Connected?

Social media has created an incredible marketing platform for many businesses. The problem is that there are so many social media networks that it can be hard to determine exactly where to focus your attention. You need to find out where and when your customers are socially active online and use that information to target them specifically. You can also join chat rooms and discussion board to attract attention to your business.

3. Do You Understand Your Customers’ Demographics?

You should also take a closer look at your customers’ basic demographics, such as gender and age group. While some products span across several demographics the majority of products zone in on just a few different groups. You can use this information to target your marketing strategies. For example, if your customers are primarily between the ages of 35 and 44 you may think that Facebook is the best site to focus your marketing on. However, according to a recent study done by, this age group spends more time on LinkedIn and Quora.

Analytical data is vital to your marketing plan, but it is equally important that you understand how to use this information. The three questions listed above will get you started, but you should also look for other ways to evaluate your data. Then you need to use this information to find some insight into how to improve you marketing strategies.

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